[NEWS] First release of the Mixtape


We are proud and excited to share with you the very first EP from The Mixtape Records music label, the latest release from Zenibuka, the soundtrack from the french queer show, La Woke Hystérie.

La Woke Hysterie album cover art

This release is the soundtrack, intro and outro, for Twitch’s most Queer Talk Show, la Woke Hystérie.
This monthly webshow  focuses on various queer-related topics and invites regular guests to tell their stories and give insight on any and all subjects.
Visit wokehysterie.fr and follow the show on Twitch and social media.

Music written by Zenibuka – zenibuka.com
Produced by The Mixtape Records – themixtaperecords.com
Mastering by Tom Ribeaucourt – linktr.ee/maddrigal
La Woke Hystérie’s logo is used courtesy of Sauvane et les Internets – linktr.ee/sauvanetlesinternets

Listen and buy the tracks on The Mixtape Records bandcamp on pay-what-you-want!